about purplegirl
Oh wow, I could say a ton on this topic. :) Let's see...I'm a college student with a major in journalism and a minor in family and consumer sciences. I am very blessed to have a very wise and caring mom and dad and two loving older sisters. :) But the most important part of my life is Jesus Christ. Without Him, I would not have any reason to live. He should be the center of everything I do because He died for me on the cross so I would not have to pay for my punishment of sin. He paid that punishment for me and because of that, I owe Him my life in service to Him. I like to call myself "a princess in training" because I'm learning to serve my King, Jesus Christ, the best way I can.

my profile | pictures | jena's photo album | serena's website | google |

junior in college
19 years old
my birthday is June 19

havin' fun
hanging out with friends
baking cookies
visiting my grandma

being stumped
cloudy, windy days

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

good morning!

wow, my sister just came down and said the dentist office called to say that i have a dentist appointment friday at 8:30. lol. i feel like such an irresponsible person -- i totally forgot i even made a dentist appointment this summer for christmas break. And the horrible thing about it is, I ALWAYS make a dentist appointment every six months. lol. oh well. I blame it on more important things that I'm thinking about.

anyway, i'm starting...maybe...to get a little more encouraged about going back to school. I don't know. I'm just really dreading going back. And I know next semester is going to be the HARDEST i've ever had at school. I can't believe I talked myself into taking on so much. BUT I'm so READY to graduate!! I'm getting MAJOR senior FeVeR! I'm super excited! But with graduating comes a lot of hard decisions to make...like where I'm going to live, a job, and money. maybe I'll end up getting married... lol. that would solve the problem of where to live. But I'd still have to decide where to work and how to pay off school bills. hmmm...WHY is life so complicated?!?!


purplegirl loves to chat! she wants your comments!

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