about purplegirl
Oh wow, I could say a ton on this topic. :) Let's see...I'm a college student with a major in journalism and a minor in family and consumer sciences. I am very blessed to have a very wise and caring mom and dad and two loving older sisters. :) But the most important part of my life is Jesus Christ. Without Him, I would not have any reason to live. He should be the center of everything I do because He died for me on the cross so I would not have to pay for my punishment of sin. He paid that punishment for me and because of that, I owe Him my life in service to Him. I like to call myself "a princess in training" because I'm learning to serve my King, Jesus Christ, the best way I can.

my profile | pictures | jena's photo album | serena's website | google |

junior in college
19 years old
my birthday is June 19

havin' fun
hanging out with friends
baking cookies
visiting my grandma

being stumped
cloudy, windy days

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

hey bloggers!
well, i'm finally back on the online world once again. lol. i drove from school with some friends on thursday and we were home on friday. it's been so WoNdErFuL not having any homework or anything I have to do or am expected to attend...i've been enjoying the peace and quiet from roommates lol (okay, seriously, I love you guys! but the peacefulness has been nice...;)) and having NO interrruptions with people coming in or teachers popping emails to add to your already-full schedule. this is nice -- i'm SO not going to be ready to go back to school in two weeks...

anyway, i've been searching for internships with magazines after i graduate (wow, did I saw graduate?!?! craziness!!) and i'm super excited about some of them i found. Some enough provide housing for the whole length of the internship! is that sweet or what?!?! ;) and then maybe (ahem...big maybe) i'll be offered a job after the internship! that'd be sweet...but just depends on the competition... SO many things to think about -- oh to live a simple life at home once again... ;)

anyway, it's exciting to think about...
kay, i'm going to catch up on some other stuff, so catch y'all on the fLiP side!

purplegirl loves to chat! she wants your comments!

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